Long Time No...

Yup, I've gone and done it again. I disappeared on you. If we were dating, I wouldn't blame you if you asked to break up. Don't hate!

As usually, I have some very good reasons. I've been a very busy little bubble bee! How about I fill you in:

BOSTON: Still sucks here, but its getting better. We have a couple of friends that keep us smiling and in the last few weeks Matt and I have logged a good few cuddle sessions. I'm so sad for the people that were devastated by mega-storm Sandy (Wait. Was it actually called a mega storm? I think I want to call it Mega-Storm because of that episode of the office where Dwight puts his desk together with Jim's and calls it Mega Desk. I digress), but I'm so grateful that it gave me two days off with my sweetheart. We even found time to celebrate our anniversary and pick a....

See! Boston girls can be pretty awesome!

WEDDING DATE: We have one!! YAAAAY!! Praise all things that are holy that the search for a wedding venue is finally over! We finally decided on The Atlantica in Cohasset, MA. Check this picture out:

borrowed from http://www.deanandhamilton.com

and this one:

borrowed from Trip Advisor
Besides the beautiful view, the Atlantica made it onto our shortlist because it endeavors to break the timeless tradition of the draining the bank accounts of couples who simply want to celebrate their commitment to each other among some well fed friends and family members. I mean, seriously! Why is it so ridiculously expensive to get married??

Thank you, Atlantica, for having a venue site fee that is $200 and not $4000. Thank you for having a Food & Beverage Minimums that make sense instead of minimum head counts. Thank you for having all-inclusive drink packages that make sense and for being willing to entertain my silly obsession with....

THEMES: We are having a theme wedding! Oh, don't you roll your eyes at me. This is going to be great! We are going to do a (subtle, mind you) vintage boardwalk/carnival theme. Check out my new project. TheWoolWedding.com. I'm pretty proud of my RSVP form. :) Oh! and check out our colors:

I'm not going to let out too many of my secrets because... well... lets face it, many of my readers are on the guest list! But let's just say that it will be playful and lighthearted and if all goes according to plan, our people are going to smile so much their cheeks are going to ache. I'm so excited!! I can't wait for August 2013! There is SO much to do until then, especially since it looks like I'm going back to...

SCHOOL: Yup, this graduate may be matriculating one more time. Here's the kicker. Matt and I are both in the restaurant industry. He is already an Executive Chef and for those of you who have ever lived to love a chef before know that the hours they work are looooooooong. Now I'm a bartender, yes, and the hours for me are short and profitable, but do I want to be an old pregnant bartender with no hope of maternity leave or perhaps even a job when I come back? Yeeeah, that sounds sucky. Do I want to be a 50 year old tight black tank top wearing bartender who's kid just graduated high school? I don't know... maybe. I do love the job, but will I regret having never tried anything else in my life? What kind of example will that set for my babies? So I'm going to try and get a nursing degree. I think it will offer me a lot of the things that I dig about bartending = its physical... I get to work with people (and make them feel better)... there's lots of problem-solving and plenty of opportunities to approve upon your craft... and the hours can be as fantastic or as terrible as I want them to be. Only real problem is that I have NONE of the pre-requisites in place and just found out today that I don't even have the pre-req's to take the pre-req's! So I am starting from the waaaaay beginning expect this time I don't qualify for any real financial aid. Oh, and the Boston nursing market is pretty saturated so getting a job nursing is going to be just as hard as getting a job on the bar. Ooooh, maybe that means we'll have to move back to New York. ;)

But then again... home is pretty comfy these days.

That's really the bulk of what's been on my mind lately. Am just trying to piece it all together. Will do my best to check in more often. I miss you. :)

Tina's Big Birthday!

Everyone's favorite Auntie had a big birthday recently and to celebrate, us kidletts swooped her down to Foxwoods for some gambling and cheer!

But first... we got some sweet gaming done!

The Birthday Girl, Lil' T, and Marlow. That dope in the background is my brother, Kenny. :)
Everyone trying their hardest to out rank Kenny...
Though of course that never happens.
This baby tried to run wild... but ran smack dab into a relative every path she took.
Matt was just thrilled not to be at work! He even wore a Red Sox hat to celebrate.
Lil' T, looking just as sweet as her birthday dessert!
But not nearly as fashionable as Marlow.
"Who approved these balloons??'
Like mother, like son.
Both ready and waiting for that cake.
And as usual, you've got my mom whipping around in the background.

Marlow naturally was jazzed to help.

Uncle G, looking pretty darn young himself, was on ice cream parole.
There are no words.
Happy campers.
Even Sito joined in on the festivities!
All in all, a fantastic day!

Day-Day-Day hits up Boston.

I am so behind on posts that all the folders of photos on my desktop are starting to take the shape of a world map. Perhaps I should throw a dart at it to decide which activity to talk about first. My computer kind of sucks (don't tell Matt), I doubt it would even notice.

So, my weekend included a trip to my spiritual motherland, New York City, and it seems that this simple visit with my lovely friends (and a gift from Matt of super strong and delicious pumpkin coffee!) is all I need this morning to kick start my motivation! With all the fun I barely took any photos of the trip (sorry about that!), but this Sunday afternoon did revealed the love and loyalty Miss Daisy Mae shows this blog every morning. She may just be my most loyal reader and I love her for it!  
This post is for you, girl!

Its also for the rest of you. :) Daisy visited Boston a little while back and in true Jillian/Daisy fashion, we hit the streets and Kalee and Marlow joined in. Strolling down Newbury Street is a lovely way to spend an afternoon!

It took maybe 17 seconds for Marlow to change the course of these giraffe's lives forever.

I love this picture in black & white! Its as though we pulled it straight out of a yellowing photo album from the 70's.

Someone loves duckies!

Snack time!
Marlow's first gourmet chocolate.
Now that's a good looking city!
And as a bonus... some fun in the sun :)
 A love note to Daisy: There are just so many things I need for you to know! Your friendship truly is the best thing that could have ever come out of our life in New York City. You are such a rare and beautiful gem. You give your all and yet you never appear spent. You bring such life and joy and possibility that having you around becomes an addiction. If there were a ceremony to celebrate a commitment between friends I would stand up and marry you. I'm here for you, girl, and my future is a brighter one because I know that you are here for me too. I have such a big cherry red heart for you! Good morning - I hope this makes you smile today :)


different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent