Kalee gets married!

Our girl has  Gotten Hitched !!!

And what a phenomenal day it was!

As we wait for the professional photos, here are some of the highlights of the day that I managed to capture on my phone.

Cambridge City Hall was chosen for the ceremony and unlike other city halls in the Boston area, this one offered the use of the Judge's Chambers and not a dull sterile office. The setting was perfect! The space was large and open, leaving our light-hearted group unintimidated, and still regal, sophisticated and dripping in history, driving home for us the significance of the moment. 
Even Uncle G, seen above, jumped at the opportunity to be photographed there.

Following the ceremony, we took it to the streets and snapped an hour's worth of photos down by the water. Boston stretched leisurely in the background.  Now I can't take credit for this photo or the two that follow - our incredible photographer, Kristen, worked her magic, capturing us all, shockingly, exactly as we truly are.

 We are:   Sometimes serious, but mostly silly.             
We are:   Super excited to all be together.                 
We are:   Young, even though we're getting old.        
We are:   Mighty photogenic (if I do say so myself)  
We are:   Totally on board to celebrate!                   

More professional photos to come!

Following the ceremony, we had the most incredible dinner at The Capital Grille on Boylston Street. I, truth be told, was too busy stuffing my face to take any photos there - sorry about that. But I can tell you that my Maid of Honor speech was pretty well received. 

"I'm just so happy to see that 'My Kalee' has found 'Her Tim.'"

In a stroke of genius, our newlyweds threw the age old tradition of wedding favors to the wayside and treated us all instead to a comedy show later that evening. In a group 20 people strong, we were tickled by a line up of hilarious comedians, who oddly enough had lots to say about marriage that night. We couldn't have planned that show better had we written the jokes ourselves.

Pizza by slice followed.
(seen above)

And then the Dance Party began!

At a bar barely three blocks down from Nick's Comedy, we danced hard to the greatest of the 80's, 90's and Today.

One of the greatest things about our group is how enthusiastically they like to celebrate. The rest of the night came and went in a blur - literally. I'd move back to Boston today if it meant I could relive this night every weekend.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing this chick this happy!


  1. Kalee said...

    Lovely post Jilly beanz ....yay!!! I'm famous

  2. Lauren K said...

    Love seeing these pics! Kalee, you make a gorgeous bride!

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