"A list of amazing accomplishments that I WILL complete!"

A bold title. "A list of amazing accomplishments that I WILL complete!" Well, I was a bold 12 year old.

At least that's my best guess for the age at which I started this epic list. Obviously, it was added to over the years - It's fun to see how priorities (and relationships) shift over time.

So without further ado ---- Feast your eyes on my very first Life List, dug recently from the dusty archives of my childhood, and copied here with original spelling, corrections and all.

1. travel (drive) to every state
2. explore seven wonders of the world
3. visit every interesting and cultured place in Europe.
4. take pictures and develope in own darkroom of all journeys.
5. learn different languages
6. go skinnydipping
7. cut my hair incredibly short
8. live in Boston, California, New York, and various places in Europe.
9. preform in a play.
10. learn to play the bass, clarenete.
11. graduate 5 years college.
12. work as a photojournalist
13. keep a workout schedual for at least a year
14. go to a topless beach and participate :)
15. be in a band
16. sell a painting of mine (no specific cost)
17. live in a loft where I can have complete artistic control.
18. live humbly.
19. stay happy in a marriage/
20. have a child.
21. meet a new person everyday
22. stay opinionated and always know who I am
23. jog the entire circumference of Lake Park
24. read/understand all of Poe's + Shakespeare's works
25. climb the stairs to the top of the statue of liberty + Elfle Tower
26. have my entire family in the same room w/out an arguement. from me.
27. get on the honor society (National)
28. get my liscence. first try.
29. lecture on the prevention + whatnot of AIDS
30. go to ten formals during high school
31. volunteer at charities and/or do communitee service
32. work at Lauren's coffee shop
33. keep in touch with all my closest high school friends
34. crowd surf
35. fall in love
36. take a romanic walk on the beach, at night, with the man I love
37. learn something new everyday.
38. go back to Puerto Rico
39. go to confession and have nothing to say
40. See the AIDS quilt in it's entirety
41. pay for the toll of five people driving behind me
42. include those who are new or outcasts
43. remain pure at heart
44. remain straightedge
45. astral travel.
46. never become like my parents (some characterists excluded)
47. go on a great adventure
48. take risks.
49. go to a psychic
50. grow up to be just like my daddy
51. never stop having fun
52. go to a Rocky Horror theater and shout out every audience participation line.
53. always be a toys-R-us kid.
54. meet a man with all my standards --->tall, long dark hair, thin, built, nice eyes, loves music museums, poetry, traveling, culture, and coffee shops. Wears dark layered clothes and be a bit of a loner at heart. -likes to play at the beach. -isn't overly jealous. -is athletic and artsy all atthe same time.
55. walk in the rain w/out an umbrella.
56. complete a game of Risk + monopoly
57. never run away for good.
58. go snorkeling
59. own a cadillac of my own.
60. talk to the man w/the black hat.
61. go to an opera + feel like the most beautiful person there.
62. Go on a trainride.
63. Jump Parker's
64. Go to: Marti Gras
65. Drive to Salem w/Lau.
66. Really go camping
67. Write a very meaningful song or poem
68. Go to church for no reason
69. Get roses from a guy
70. Swim w/all clothes on
71. Go to a real jazz club
72. Say "Fill 'er up"
73. Forgive my mother (preferrably before it is too late)
74. Find what stops this lonely feeling & hold on to it.
75. Do the unmentionable
76. Say the unmentionable
77. "love like this again"
78. never forget this book exists
79. join a kickboxing class or something of the like
80. left myself go hungry some nights.
81. Be able to spend the day with Matt and not have to choke down the saddness & bitterness
82. drive to everystate within this lifetime.
83. get married three times.
1- where daddy is in Maine
2- by elvis
3-@diana's bath -w/no one around
84. Go to Australia w/Kalee finally.
85. Own my own art store -totally appealing to children - who call me Auntie Jilly
86. Make love to a woman.
87. Meet Angelina
88. Never say "I should have done that."
89. Take [name scratched out] to Maine.
90. Go to Barbados, Africa, Egypt with James
91. Get a little dog names Petey
92. Go back to school.


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