Truisms unite!

As per usual, tending bar has gotten me into another random conversation. This time is was about "Truisms."

Of course, we first had to debate like crazy over whether "truism" was an actual word, forgetting naturally that we had 5 cell phones between us. Finally embracing the modern age of technology, we entered a google race to find out it's true definition.

According to Wikipedia (yeah, yeah, I know), a truism is a claim that is so obvious or self-evident as to be hardly worth mentioning.

This - and caffeine! - got us going.

We collectively interpreted this to mean that people have thoughts all day that they just discard because they assume that everyone else around them already wholeheartedly agrees.

Questions, naturally, shot like arrows in every direction.

In a city like NYC, can you assume that the people around you with all their cultural, social, religious, and hell physical differences are likely to agree with you even on the simplest points? If I think something is obviously awesome, will everyone else think so too?

Does the world benefit from us keeping our mouths shut most of the time? Think how terrible it would be to walk down a street full of people voicing each and every observation.

Or would it connect us individuals on a greater level to understand not just what people think, but how they come to think things?

And isn't the obvious often times the best part of conversations?? Comedians like Louis C.K. make their living pointing out the obvious. He cracks us (ok, he cracks me) up because he says things out loud that I have thought before but it never occurred to me to say. Hearing someone say out loud the things I think is startling and often excellent and makes me... relate!

This particular bar conversation ran it's course fooooorrrrr just about as long as the caffeine did and even after we all returned to our jobs, I kept churning. I LOVE this, I thought. I'd like to start getting these thoughts out of my head and see what happens!

So I decided to add a page to this here little blog. Now, I promise I'll pick and choose, so don't all bum rush the unsubscribe button!

If you agree, please say so! And if you don't, say that too. Just remember that these entries are truisms - they are things that are true to me. :)

So set the ball rolling, here is one that we decided that day was an observation we have all had in NYC and never said out loud:


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