Meet the pups!

Picture it.

You're eyes are closed. You're warm and cozy, wrapped up in all those blankets on your bed. The room is full of light and yet you have no idea, so fully invested are you still in your dreaming.

And then you hear it.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...

You try to shake of the sound. Your still on the edge of that dream. If you could just search your mind a little deeper, you could so easily sink back in, and then...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ...

You open your eyes and there it is. A big fat puppy face so close to yours that you can feel his hot puppy breath mingling with yours. He growls again as you focus on another dog laying full body across your legs, the weight of her baring down on you, and still a third laying across your pillow like a hat. 

Three dogs in New York City? Yeah, we're nuts. But hey, love doesn't always makes sense.

Meet the pups!
Meet Pudge.
A.K.A  Pudger or Pudge Potato
He is our biggest pup at over 100 lbs. A 7 yr. old lab/bulldog mix we've had since he was a baby. His likes include: eating everyone's food, licking in your mouth when you fall asleep on the couch, full body wiggling and most P-words: Playing... Pools... and Pasterized cheese ;)
It is feared that Pudge has the song Kung Fu Fighting playing on repeat in his head.
A.K.A  Sadie Girl or Sweet Love Muffin
A 70 lb pit bull, Sadie's likes include laying full body across you, peanut butter,
laying in the sun and touching you with her hands to get your attention.
Sadie is a lady of great extremes. If she had a cell phone, she would call either
call myself to tattle on the other dogs or Matt to shake him down for some money.

A.K.A.  Little B or Da Bents

Our littlest guy, a 12 lb Doxie Poo, his likes include anything Pudge and Sadie are playing with,
sleeping like a king, licking his butt and tearing the stuffing out of stuffed animals.
It is widely believed that Bentley has a French accent and a smokers voice.
No one appreciates a Tempur-Pedic quite like these guys.

Best friends for life.


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