Two weeks.

Hmmmm... what shall I write about today? How shall I spend my week? My day?? My afternoon??!

I've got a lot of free time on my hands suddenly (Matt's off opening a new restaurant and Kalee's wedding went off without a hitch!), and I'm faced now with the same question that haunted me almost 3 years ago when I found myself divorced - how do I possibly entertain myself?!

I always know what I want to do, but on average I rarely choose my wants over others. That's part of my awesomeness as well as one of my biggest issues. And so now, faced with a To-Do-List with nothing really on it, I'm a bit frozen.

This is all too familiar territory and aptly enough, it is the exact reason why I started this blog. I need to choose 'me' more often! And for the next two weeks, I literally have no excuse not to.

So here we go - My Two Week Plan!

1. Attempt a cleanse.
   - Let's get this body back in order. No alcohol. No junk food. No belly aches! Just your basic Master Cleanse with a couple added pleasures... apples, celery and cucumber. I'm a contingency plan kinda girl. If I weaken and try to give up, I'll allow myself to eat on of the three approved (and already stocked in my frig!) items.

2. See a show.
    - I live in NYC! How do I not get to see more theatre? Oh yeah. It's expensive. Well, I've found a show I want to see and I'm going to try and get a cheap ticket on lottery. That's where you show up a couple of hours before the show to try and be one of the people who gets to buy their ticket for 30 bucks. I've got time on my hands, right? Why not put it to good use!

3. Take that cake decorating course.
    - Or at least the 1st of the 4 courses. I've already got the materials and Matt already has experience, so this is a great one for me to do on my own. Yup. Definitely.

4. Take that One Day Intensive Writing Class.
    - There are so many options that I've been sitting on this class voucher for months, uncertain which class would be most worth my while. Well, I've chosen Character Development and I'm jazzed to begin!

5. Finish my next video montage.
    - For those not in the know, I've transferred all our old VHS tapes to DVD and now I'm editing them down into these mini movies. We've already seen the Kenny Video. Kalee is next. I hope to give everyone one of their very own for Christmas, plus organized copies of all the Birthdays... Holidays... etc.

And of course, I want to lock down my spending these next couple of weeks and work as much as I can to bulk of the bank account I've been draining.  This doesn't seem like two much to ask of my days. Let's hope I don't let myself get in my own way!


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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent