Wanna get a tattoo?! Ummm, yeah... I suppose I do!


I know that this may seem totally random, but let me fill you in on a gigantic decision we've recently made! We are leaving New York City... in a week! Didn't see this coming?? Yeah, me either though honestly I think that we've been building up to this decision for a while and it only took Matt landing an incredible job in Boston to make it our newest reality. 

We have reasons galore to move to Boston, namely Kalee, the Babes, the desire to explore a new city, the ability save a bunch of money because we're no longer paying to live in Manhattan, the chance to actually get married and to put ourselves on track to have a bunch of super adorable rug rats of our very own. We are officially moving for grown up reasons and that alone is a wild concept to me. Our lifestyle is so young for a couple of 31 year old. We paint the town a different color every night!

We most certainly lost our minds the night we got these tattoos. We had just finished 5 looooong days of shaking in our boots and holding our breath because some complications in the job acceptance process was looking like Matt might not be getting this job after all. We had already given in our notice at our NY jobs and with our NY leasing company and had already put a deposit in on a new apartment in Boston. If he didn't get this job, we were up the poopy creek! In a moment of desperation or, as I like to think, genius, Matt phoned the CEO of the company that day and initiated a straight-talk conversation with the man. By the time he hung up everything was right with the world again and we launched instantly and with full strength into an exhausted, shuttering relief-filled celebration. A hour in almost out of no where I shouted - "let's get tattoos!" And since Matt is Matt we were in a taxi on our way to his favorite tattoo guy within minutes!

I still kind of can't believe we actually went through with it, but really the action is so typically us. All it often takes is for one of us to get something in our head and the other just naturally and instantly gets on board. We are each other's enablers to the millionth degree. We are participators. We are 100% kind of people. And we like it that way. 

Matt's tat may just say it all: 

And as an added bonus, we got to have dinner at our all time favorite New York spot - Spina in the East Village. This is the place that we frolicked to following Matt's marriage proposal. We've brought countless groups of friends here and it was my number one venue choice for my most recent birthday party. And the lighting at night is pretty darn cool... 

What good is a heart if you don't wear it on your sleeve!  

Hope you all had as great of a weekend as we did! 
Love your faces!


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