The Great Matt-Dini Returns!

 We are a people who appreciate the fine art of nicknames. The one that has stuck the longest - BabaBaby! is pronounced   Bay*Buh*Baby   and is accompanied most often with a dramatic swing in your voice.   

::: Things enjoyed, in no particular order, 
just because Matt has returned home! :::

City Smores! Roasting over an open electric flame...

...while laughing your butt off.
Doggie love.

And New York love.

Dining at a restaurant that sets the table before you even order.
A 1950's dress and a 1930's beaded purse.

Visiting Daisy's beautiful abode.

And taking her out for Car Bombs.

And of course for brunch too. Love these girls!
With my sweet love back home again, we push forward with wedding plans and life decisions. These next couple of months might get pretty hairy, but we trust that no matter which direction we take we will be happy taking them because we will be twisting and turning together. <---- Cryptic, no? Sorry! I'll let you know what there is to know when I know it. You can count on that. :)


  1. chron·i·cles said...

    Well I must say it was amazing to come home and see my bababay!!!!!! I missed you so much and my sweet love muffin and little b and well maybe the pudge (ok i missed him too)! you are the greatest!!!

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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent