Said Yes to the Dress

Ah, what a bitch of a day.

Wake up----> No coffee in the house.
Go to the grocery store/buy coffee ----> Get home/No creamer.
Settle for completely-forgotten-no-idea-how-old-it-is almond milk ----> spill the java all over my computer.
The pups don't care that I'm having a bad day.
They'd steal my breakfast in a second and eat it while I cry.

My computer is now sitting in a bag of dry rice (yup, that's the way you apparently get liquid out of electronics) and now I'm suffering through a blog session on my honey's Mac. This computer is so annoyingly foreign to me. The keys are spaced oddly and the interface takes effort that I really don't have the patience for right now.

I want to go back to Friday, where my day was rosy and everything was peachy keen. Journey back with me.

It was a beautiful day, this Friday. Gentle rays from the sun broke through the budding tree branches in my back yard and tickled my eyes awake. I giggled as I stretched and yawn. A dog army crawled toward me and licked my face, while yet another laid full body across my legs. We all leap from bed.

The coffee? Plentiful, hot and delicious that day. Nothing spilled anywhere beside down my throat.

Spontaneously, I got a massage and it was the best one I've had in months and oh so cheap.

My plans for the day kept breaking and yet a new set of plans would simultaneously form, leaving me more and more excited to begin the day. Light on my feet, I got ready in a jiffy and found myself with an extra hour of leisure - a pleasure I thought I'd pass on to the pups, who have been so good these days and haven't complained at all about being cooped up while I work all these hours. And this is where my day really gets good.

I'll highlight the key points that brought me to the day's climax...

* Pudge pooped. Of course, he did. He's Pudge. But this time he pooped in front of a lingerie shop, where the three elderly woman who have had this shop in their family for the last 40 years were standing outside. They recognized Pudge and ran up to love on him. This is a rare thing - Pudge looks and behaves like an untamed beast. Only the brave of heart and the pure in spirit take an instant shine to him.
* I buy a slip. I've been meaning to. And with the day so nice, I thought it would be grand to wear the blousy vintage dress that I got at Shareen Vintage. 
* Feeling especially lovely, I meet my lady friends in Midtown to try and get Newsie tickets on lotto. NO dice. But they complimented my sweet vintage dress and this leads us to taking a $60 rickshaw ride downtown to see Shareen.

Me = Happy as can be.  

* * A Note About Shareen Vintage * *

The kicker about this place is that it is in what looks like an apartment building. You ring the bell and over the intercom, a voice asks - "who iiiis it?" You answer... well, I answer, "It's Jillian!" and they buzz you in. There are no men allowed because there are no dressing rooms. The perimeter of each room is lined with racks of amazing dresses, ranging from the 1920's to the early 1970's, and when you find something you like you drop trou and slip in. The prices are great too. Sure, some are pricey, but I've walked with three dresses now under $40 and nabbed a fur hat that day for 10 bucks. 

A red dress is hung in the window to indict that they are open for business.

Had my original plans held, a cooking class with a dude I know -or- tickets to a 2.5 hr show, I would have never have found my wedding dress!! <----- I feel like this should be in italics and made orange!!


My dress is nothing like what I thought it would be. I pictured this modern take on vintage - lots of lace and a classic silhouette, maybe. My budget was gigantic, or at least I'd spent the last 6 months watching Say Yes to the Dress trying to convince myself that my budget needed to be gigantic. This dress was the lovely price of $400 AND requires so very little altering. 


As an added bonus, my most favorite dress-designing friend has recently returned to New York and has offered to help me jazz up the number. I trust and love her style so much that I couldn't have planned this out better had I tried. 

Thank you cake decorating class for being booked solid. 
Thank you, male friend, for getting stuck in traffic. 
Thank you, Pudge, for pooping where you did. 
Thank you, Newsies, for not giving us tickets. 
Thank you, ladies, for being so spontaneous and for always matching my enthusiasm. 
Thank you, Shareen Vintage, for being open and for setting the stage. 
Thank you, New York. As always, I love you.

Love my birthday girl! Thank you for inspiring an amazing day!



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