Tending Bar

What I do!

One of the things I've had to come to terms with in my 30's is that I'm not what one would traditionally call a career woman.

Now, before you argue with me, know that I have already had these arguments with myself: Come on, Jillian! Just because you are not using your college degree punching the ol' 9 to 5 clock does not mean your work is any less substantial!

Yeah, well. People don't typically brag about being a bartender and I've begun to think that they should.

There are so many beautiful things about my industry and I'd like to list a few of them for you. 


1. You get to meet the most interesting people... often without even trying.
2. Being physically tired at the end of the day can be so satisfying.
3. All your customers are happy to see you, even if they are sad.


4. You get to make your own schedule and you never run out of vacation days.
5. When the economy is good, people drink. When the economy is bad, people drink more.
6. If you work hard, you make great money and if you work harder, you make stupid money.
7. If someone is being a jerk, you're welcome to tell them so.

I took tonight off because I could and because it seemed that I wouldn't earn enough money to make putting all that makeup on worthwhile. How many people do we know that can ask themselves that question? How many people can stay home just for shits and giggles?

Bartending may not be considered a 'big girl job,' but it sure does allow for your life to be bigger than most.


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