The Umbrella Network

I've been sitting on this notion for a while.

I believe that there is a secret network of New Yorkers that drop and pick up umbrellas in seemingly random places all over the city. 

They do this either deliberately and out of the goodness of their heart or, as I'm more likely to believe, it is one of those non-verbalized covenants that helps keep this crazy city in motion.

This secret umbrella network first got my attention earlier this year when a seemingly random conversation of bar patrons revealed that most of them cannot remember the last time they purchased an umbrella. As the chat progressed, a shocking revelation silenced the room <---- Oh, just allow me this detail. It makes for a better story.

These people can only remember ever just finding their umbrellas. They pick up seemingly lost and abandoned ones along the way from the back of taxi cabs... in Lost & Founds... in restaurant coat checks. They are handed ones by friends whose identity they can no longer recall. They are bumped in the foot by them as they roll on down the subway car.

And this got me thinking, when did I last buy an umbrella? Have I ever? I own now easily a dozen. I'd gather them all together and take a picture for you if it wouldn't wake the whole apartment up. How I came by them, I could never tell you. I just some how get one when I need one. Sure lazy drunks are always leaving me their belongings, but now that my eyes are open, I see that the network branches out in every direction.

I trust now that I will never be caught in the rain. I trust that I will find peace within myself when I too leave an umbrella behind. It will be as if the universe required this of me. I will have done my part.

This umbrella was the last push I needed to believe. It was found... in my own apartment! Left for me by some Secret Santa of Umbrelladom.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend, everyone!!


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