ACTIVITIES: City Exploration!

Wanna make a pact to do more fun things? Yeah, me too.

I'm ready when you are!

Here's my contribution:  The Activities Page!

Newly inspired by the summer heat, I will rededicate and double my efforts to detail noteworthy activities in the area, including contact information, locations, dates and times. Feel free to bookmark the page and check in whenever you'd like a little inspiration or better yet, subscribe to get regular updates! Concentration will be placed on areas surrounding New York and in New England. Comment here and I will gladly expand focus to include your area of the world. Put my years of experience as an international concierge and traveler to work (for free!) for you. 

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Attack your city with the enthusiasm of a tourist! You'd be surprised what you're missing out on by taking your home town for granted. Do something out of the norm at least once a month! Pictured above: Seasoned New Yorkers take a rickshaw ride through Times Square.

This spontaneous voyage was the right amount of speckle needed to turn our mundane shopping day into one of adventure and surprise!


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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent