Sponsoring ohdeardrea and What Pudge Does NOT Eat!

To celebrate this glorious month, we here at SallyForth have made the very easy decision to sponsor the stellar blogging efforts of:


A sweet little mama/kiddo combo, ohdeardrea is easily one of my favorites. Not only is her style something to envy (I could rant for paragraphs about her color choices alone), she's also refreshingly and sometimes shockingly honest. And I say this not just because she is a home town girl. No, seriously, she's from my home town. We met briefly thanks to my brother, but it is because of her blog that I feel as though I know her.

So I will be posting this month with her in mind! And here is my first effort: 

She feeds her kid (a Marlowe like our Marlow but with an E!) nothing but the freshest, healthiest foods and that Marlowe seems like one happy little chickadee in large part because of it. Pudge, my biggest baby, would give his left paw to get even a single bite of such deliciousness. 

ohdeardrea, I see your What Marlowe Eats posts 
I raise you with What Pudge Does NOT Eat!

Broiled chicken breast with sauteed brocolini (a hybrid of broccoli and Chinese chard known for its sweetness and tenderness), onions and white rice. Not shown: cranberry sauce, a great ketchup substitute and is just as tasty with chicken as with turkey!

Was apparently way too hungry to take a picture before shoveling this meal down my throat. It was two perfectly over easy eggs served on top of crispy strips of turkey bacon. This is a go-to breakfast of champions if you ask me.

Do not be mistaken. Sadie is no saint herself. Here is covets a promptly delivered mushroom omelet with slices of fresh avocado.


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