Lil Mary

Lil' Mary

You can't possibly have any idea how awesome this old lady is. Your lives would be better if you did though so here are a few cool facts about my Sito (grandmother). 

1. You already know of her love for the Bounty Paper Towel and that Bounty hearts her back!

2. You can prank her everyday (and often times we do!) and she'll go along with it every time. 

3. She used to iron her dollar bills because she likes them crisp but stopped because she got shy when her kids teased her. 

4. She doesn't like anything out of place. Ever. In the picture above you'll see that green extension cord. We were using it to play music during Marlow's Christening backyard party. She kept casually walking by, unplugging the cord and chucking it out the window as though no one would ever notice the music had stopped or would ever suspect it was her doing. 

5. Whenever she utters a curse word an angel gets its wings.

6. She loves a man in uniform. Her husband was a cop. 

7. Lil' Mary is definitely not into animals. They're messy and a pain in the ass as far as she's concerned. She told me once that "they sucked."

8. She has a love for the royal family and has always secretly wanted to be a princess.

9. She's a twin!

10. She's the undisputed and understated kingpin in this family of mine and not a single decision is made without considering her first. Every day revolves around a visit to her house and more specifically her bedroom, as her health these past several years has begun waning. She lived with fractured ribs for 6 months because a). she was afraid to go to the doctor and b). because she didn't want to be a burden. An invite into her bedroom to join in on a family conversation is a sign that you are welcome. An invite to sit on the edge of her bed is the ultimate form of acceptance. If she doesn't like you, you stand just outside the bedroom door because literally you are an outsider. She likes what she likes and has no interest in what she doesn't. She is strong and gentle. Pensive though frequently naive. Weathered yet still so often childlike. She is a cool old lady, complex and genuine. I love everything about her. 

Lil' Mary on her wedding day!


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