Woo Hoo Boston

Ok! Its time to give this Boston thing a real try. No more nay-saying! (Well... maybe a little bit of Boston bashing is still in my future, but I'll try to save that for only my weakest moments.)

"You go towards that which you think about." These are some of my mum's favorite words.

Here is a good thing about my new city: Pumpkin Beer!

You apparently only get it two months out of the year and the whole city is rightfully obsessed with it. Its crazy delicious and up until a few weeks ago when I had my first beer (weird I know - I was a 31 year old bartender who had never had beer), I was totally unaware that pumpkin beer took over Boston every fall.

Shipyard seems to be the big winner around here, served in a chilled pint glass with a cinnamon/sugar rim and an optional floater of whipped vodka. Personally, I'm all over Sam Adam's version. Its a little hoppier and less sweet and I'm not much for the sugared rim or floater after the first drink. I think honestly I'm going to buy a million cases of it before the end of the pumpkin beer season and stock pile it in my spare bedroom. Oh! Maybe that's my second good thing about Boston - my apartment is huge! So huge that I can apparently stock pile beer at will.

Go me!  


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