Cleaning up and out.

An age old tradition for seasoned Northerns, I have finally gotten around to packing away the bulky mess that is my winter wardrobe and springing out the colorful wonderfulness of my summer dress collection!

Though no one really looks forward to Spring Cleaning (besides me, of course!), I find that the mere act is a therapeutic way to release yourself from any lingering dreariness that may carry over from the winter months. Along with your sweaters and thick socks, collect your depressions, doubts and worries and pack them neatly together. Then seal that box up tight and toss it on a shelf, leaving it to be forgotten.

Good bye, winter!

Months later, when you open it back up again, old clothes (and old ways of thinking!) will feel familiar and comforting instead of heavy and cumbersome.  Chances are, you'll end up throwing away what you no longer have a need for and will find satisfaction in keeping only the good stuff.

Hello, spring!

As my momma always said:

'When in doubt, chuck it out!'


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