Just discovered : Polyvore!

Polyvore. Who's heard of it?

Thanks to the super fun-ness of Pinterest, I have expanded my late night online covet sessions to include this little gem of a site.
(p.s. Do I have to keep explaining that I have no affiliation with the sites I recommend? And that *ahem* if any of my favorite sites are listening, I would buddy up in a heart beat? [insert toothy grin here])

Where was I? Polyvore! Who ever came up with this site had me in mind when they designed it!

Pull up the site and go straight to 'Create.'

From there you can drag and drop items from a giant (international!) inventory that spans everything from H&M to Chanel. Mix and match to create the ultimate ensemble and then post it for others to enjoy. You can create a following or as I do, stalk your favorites anytime for a dose of fashion inspiration.

And I haven't even pointed out the genius part yet!

When you get hooked on a collection mosey over to the right hand side and you'll find at a glance all the information you'll need to decide if you actually will purchase an item. If you're anything like me, price is a big factor and I love that this site lists so clearly outlines what things cost. The McQueen clutch in this example rocks my world but how much more sad would I be if I spent 20 minutes looking for it on the net only to find that it's a million dollars (because really... $1158 for an occasionally used accessory equals a million dollars in my life).

But you can count on me picking up this sweet baby in the coming weeks :)

 Have a great weekend everyone! And remember:

Fashion is what other people tell you looks good. 
Style is what you tell yourself!


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