Memorial Day... a late post, I know!

It addition to a homecoming, Memorial Day and some seriously beautiful weather also gave us reason to celebrate! To stretch out for a while, Danny (everyone's second favorite sous chef - sorry Danny. Matt's mighty cute in his chef coat) and I wandered to the West Side to check out the Boat Basin Cafe. 
End of the year inventory made Matt late in joining us, but much fun was had when he finally arrived.

Even in the city, being near the water is transforming.

I need a boat.

Located underneath the traffic circle, the place was jammed packed, even for a holiday weekend that typically calls all New Yorkers out of the city, and though the acoustics never let you pretend you were alone, the drinks were strong and the atmosphere more than made up for the slow service. This is the kind of place you can just park off for the day and daydream about making friends with sail boats. 

Venue Bound... again.

"What I'm thinking involves a machete and a pair of pliers!"
~ The Wedding Planner

I went looking for a quote about wedding planning to start this post and found that famous people had diddly to say on the topic. This one from the movie fits better than I could have dreamt. 

I'm so tired of not having anything planned. I've logged probably 45 hours in internet research by now. It's time to get this darn ball rollin'.  

Here are the places we're going to look in the next week or two. Chime in and let me know your thoughts:


* * * *
42-38 9th St., nr. 43rd Ave., Long Island City; 718-786-7776;
Artistic types love this impeccably restored former metal foundry. Inspired touches like chimneys visible through the main hall’s skylight, a cauldron transformed into a fountain, and lots of ivy lend the building its unique character—it requires little or no additional decoration. From $5,000 to $15,000, depending on the season, plus an additional fee for the cobblestoned courtyard outside, the terrace, and the greenhouse.

This photo was found on The Rock Paper Scissors Blog
I really didn't stand a chance with this venue - both in the sense that I'm helpless against it's charms and that I don't have a dream of affording it. We're going to look at it anyway because if suddenly I come into a trillion dollars, it will be beneficial to have already done a dry run to this place.

This photo was found on  photosbydante's photostream.

* * * *
                      95 Prospect Park W., nr. 5th St., Lefferts Garden; 646-393-9031, ext. 2;
Tranquil views of the Lullwater Creek complement elegant Beaux-Arts style of this landmark building, which can fit up to 120 guests for dinner and dancing and 200 for cocktails, with optional outdoor tenting for up to 225. The Movable Feast handles both the catering (from $150 per person) and the rental of the Boathouse (from $4,000).

This photo was found on Snippet and Dink.

This venue is incredible and maybe exactly what I've been looking for. I really can't wait to see it in person. If it's anything like what I have pictured in my head, we might just have a winner!

   This photo was found on Snippet and Dink.

* * * *
                  452 Union St., at Bond St., Gowanus 718-522-3363; 
This romantic former brass foundry offers an extensive and heavily Brooklyn-based vendor list to choose from—including customized bar packages from in-borough establishments like Vinegar Hill House. The space can hold up to 160 for dinner and dancing. Prices start at $5,500 for a Saturday event.

This photo was found at LoveTheVenue

Oh, I can most definitely get on board with this venue. Its a fairly blank slate, but a nicely aged one and I think it would slide in nicely with my vintage ideas. Matt and I love the food trucks despite its ever increasing popularity.
This photo was found at The Green Building


* * * *
440 Talcott Avenue, Watertown; 617-926-7755;
History buffs are easily won over by this Civil War era estate, which was criticized at the time as being an overly extravagant use of funds. The Commanding Officer's Quarters is still today one of the highlights of the Watertown Arsenal site, and remains virtually unaltered after over 100 years' residence by Watertown commanding officers. The three -story brick Bracketed style mansion, approached by way of the tree-lined Talcott Avenue overlooks the Charles River. $4000 for an 8 hour block on a Saturday night in season.

This photo was found at Heather Parker.
 This location has been on my short list since literally day one. Its the only venue that has made it through ever cut. I'm comfortable with the price and the location and think that we could really get some amazing photos here. I see can my family being very comfortable here, but I'm concerned a little that it will be a litlle reserved (read: boring) for our style.

This photo was found at Alden Blair Events.

* * * *
Willowdale Estate
24 Asbury Street, Topsfield; 978-887-8211;
Located within the Bradley Palmer State Park, this estate offers the most incredibly lush backdrop. Built in 1901 and originally the summer retreat of prominent Boston businessman Mr. Bradley Palmer, the ornate fieldstone mansion and lucious grounds were lovingly restored and enhanced with the addition of a Butterfly Garden and Tented Pavilion.  From $3600 for a Saturday nigh and includes a ton of stuff.

This photo was found at Brett Alison Blog
I was immediately taken by this venue. Not only is the price where we need to it be, they take care of so many of the details that are forced upon you by other venues. For example, they tent is already constructed and is included in the price if you rent the outdoor area. They decorate the estate themselves to reflect the changing seasons in New England, there's amble parking, tables and chairs. It would be nice to concentrate solely on the fun part of wedding planning and to leave the sticky details up to these guys, whose taste I like already.

This photo was found at Kendall Pavan Photography

The Great Matt-Dini Returns!

 We are a people who appreciate the fine art of nicknames. The one that has stuck the longest - BabaBaby! is pronounced   Bay*Buh*Baby   and is accompanied most often with a dramatic swing in your voice.   

::: Things enjoyed, in no particular order, 
just because Matt has returned home! :::

City Smores! Roasting over an open electric flame...

...while laughing your butt off.
Doggie love.

And New York love.

Dining at a restaurant that sets the table before you even order.
A 1950's dress and a 1930's beaded purse.

Visiting Daisy's beautiful abode.

And taking her out for Car Bombs.

And of course for brunch too. Love these girls!
With my sweet love back home again, we push forward with wedding plans and life decisions. These next couple of months might get pretty hairy, but we trust that no matter which direction we take we will be happy taking them because we will be twisting and turning together. <---- Cryptic, no? Sorry! I'll let you know what there is to know when I know it. You can count on that. :)

"Happiness is a mat that sits on your doorway"

Super Secret Single Behaviors.

We all have them. Weird little, nut-so things we do when living alone... or at the very least spending three companion-less weeks in our apartments, as I have just done. With Matt returning today from three looooonnnng weeks in Texas opening a new restaurant, I'd like to reflect a little on  Solo Jill.

Mostly, I imagine, our bizarre single behaviors surface without us consciously taking notice, right? They're simply personality quirks that peak their heads out of hiding only when we're certain no one's looking.

Think! What do you do when no one else is around?

Me? Oh, I do lots of weird things. Scrunch my lips and chin up in thought, realize I'm doing it and then wiggle my nose to release my face. Sing this odd ditty I made up decades ago about "mummies and daddies." Walk around my apartment pretending to be Jeff Goldblum <---- okay, please believe I'm kidding about that one. 

I have a home-alone outfit that all hinges on knee high socks that I pull up so tightly the heel ends up stretched unforgivably above my ankle. Like rings on tree stumps, you can gauge the age of my socks by counting the hair dye stains on the bottom of my feet, as inevitably I squish beneath me the fallen droplets of my most recent dye job.  

This extended time alone has revealed some great Absolute Truths. One. When living alone, I can't make myself go to bed and then of course sleeping waaaay too late. I'm saying that by the time 4am rolls around every night, I'm practically negotiating with myself - "If you fall asleep right now, Self, I'll take you to get a massage in the morning. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Two. I lose a lot of weight. This was a noticeable change when I first split from my Former Hub all those years ago, and I thought then that it was because I was getting myself dating pool ready again. But I see now that it is so much more than that. When I'm cooking for one, I cook well, really well, and always (always) chose healthy ingredients. I just like them and it somehow feels like a treat to eat this healthy food, like they are not options when my honey is around. And once that trend starts, I run with it... and Pudge... literally. And I don't drink alcohol. It's just not a go-to thing for me when on my own. Junk food and booze, I realize, is such a major part of my relationship, which is odd considering Matt and I consider ourselves to be somewhat foodies.

Three. I am totally regimented. I get into a schedule and that's it. I do the same thing, the same way, everyday. Three weeks in now and I have to admit, my self imposed routine is getting pretty boring, but there is no way I would every change things up for myself. I see that Matt is great for me in this respect. He drags me out of my head and this constant obsession with getting things done and makes sure that I have some genuinely spontaneous fun. Oh yes, my Matt is a dirty little fun have-er and it's one of the greatest things about him. He also shrugs off structure like a damp sour blanket and so maybe I'm just as good for him.  

I also never speak, but I do talk... a lot! I type on my phone. I type on my computer. I motion silently to the dogs. Some days, the whole morning and afternoon will slip by without my having said a single word. I'll get to work for 5pm and find that my throat is dry and my voice is crackled. And this has set me thinking: Can you be equally introverted and extroverted? Can you avoid personal contact AND demand attention at the same time? Because that is definitely me. I don't want to be even acknowledged by another person until I'm ready and still, it is so important to me to be the focal point in the room. <---- that's a big piece of vanity I just dropped on you. Don't judge! 

Have you ever looked at the differences between the classic personality types? This post has inspired me to and, dude, I've had them totally wrong.

Type AType B                Type C
CompetitivenessAggressiveOnly with selfHave to be right

Workplace Persona
TenseRelaxed concentrationMethodical

Attitude toward change

Team Leader/Member

Emotional Expression
Guard is upPositiveHidden
Handling criticismCritical of itOpen to itSensitive to it
Typical jobs"The Boss"Sales, MarketingPlanning

Attitude toward others


Impulse control
Time managementEverything's urgentAppropriate to taskAs much as needed 

* * * * 
 Well, my sweetheart will be home in a couple of hours and it's time to put my plan into motion. I'm going to get all dressed up and do a sexy airport pick up. I'm talking hot pink dress, heels, a sign with his name on it as if I were his hired driver and as an added bonus, a bottle of his favorite whiskey. Men are all about the visual, right? Someone's going to eat their heart out, if its the last thing I do!

May 25th. Two Week Plan.

AAAAAHHHHH - My two weeks are up by the close of the day and I, in typical fashion, have not gotten nearly as much accomplished as I vowed I would!

 * Cliche alert *

Did I bite off more than I could chew?

Two week goal.
Deadline: May 26th

Let's high five me first. 

I did... take that Writing Class. And bought into another because it was just that awesome. 

I did... TRY and take that cooking class and to see a show, but registration/ticketing was a no-go. So I found my wedding dress instead! Sweet compromise, if you ask me.
I did... attempt a cleanse and made it through 3 painful days. The upshot: Mentally, I am in it to win it! Physically, I came down with a solid case of mean face, which did not go down well at work, as sweet customer service is supposed to be my thing. There were actually several times when I could not for the life of me convince the people I was talking to that I was not mad at them, and in fact was happy to help! Ugh. Those were trying days. Got a sucky headache too. The cleanse was a great kick start to a two week Clean Living campaign. With no booze... no junk food... no dairy... no gluten... I feel great! Now, to find a way to keep this up with Matt around.

Now, whoa is me. 

I did not... even touch my video project. That cup of coffee I spilled on my computer? Yeah, that is posing a real problem and it looks like I'm going to have to have this sucker looked at. Ugh. What really blows is that I put such a stink up when Matt tried to buy a new computer for my birthday. Remember? He's going to just love hearing about my computer catastrophe - the mouse either doesn't work at all -or- works way too well and starts just selecting things at random. If I punch it, it buys me 5-10 minutes of good behavior. To him I shall say... At least I didn't pour coffee on a NEW computer! Just you think on that!'

This two week challenge felt a little bit like a failure, but you know what? Seeing it all written out like this makes me see this horse in a different color. What I managed to do, I did well. I'll get the rest of it done soon enough. In fact, a new two weeks could be starting any day now. :)

Said Yes to the Dress

Ah, what a bitch of a day.

Wake up----> No coffee in the house.
Go to the grocery store/buy coffee ----> Get home/No creamer.
Settle for completely-forgotten-no-idea-how-old-it-is almond milk ----> spill the java all over my computer.
The pups don't care that I'm having a bad day.
They'd steal my breakfast in a second and eat it while I cry.

My computer is now sitting in a bag of dry rice (yup, that's the way you apparently get liquid out of electronics) and now I'm suffering through a blog session on my honey's Mac. This computer is so annoyingly foreign to me. The keys are spaced oddly and the interface takes effort that I really don't have the patience for right now.

I want to go back to Friday, where my day was rosy and everything was peachy keen. Journey back with me.

It was a beautiful day, this Friday. Gentle rays from the sun broke through the budding tree branches in my back yard and tickled my eyes awake. I giggled as I stretched and yawn. A dog army crawled toward me and licked my face, while yet another laid full body across my legs. We all leap from bed.

The coffee? Plentiful, hot and delicious that day. Nothing spilled anywhere beside down my throat.

Spontaneously, I got a massage and it was the best one I've had in months and oh so cheap.

My plans for the day kept breaking and yet a new set of plans would simultaneously form, leaving me more and more excited to begin the day. Light on my feet, I got ready in a jiffy and found myself with an extra hour of leisure - a pleasure I thought I'd pass on to the pups, who have been so good these days and haven't complained at all about being cooped up while I work all these hours. And this is where my day really gets good.

I'll highlight the key points that brought me to the day's climax...

* Pudge pooped. Of course, he did. He's Pudge. But this time he pooped in front of a lingerie shop, where the three elderly woman who have had this shop in their family for the last 40 years were standing outside. They recognized Pudge and ran up to love on him. This is a rare thing - Pudge looks and behaves like an untamed beast. Only the brave of heart and the pure in spirit take an instant shine to him.
* I buy a slip. I've been meaning to. And with the day so nice, I thought it would be grand to wear the blousy vintage dress that I got at Shareen Vintage. 
* Feeling especially lovely, I meet my lady friends in Midtown to try and get Newsie tickets on lotto. NO dice. But they complimented my sweet vintage dress and this leads us to taking a $60 rickshaw ride downtown to see Shareen.

Me = Happy as can be.  

* * A Note About Shareen Vintage * *

The kicker about this place is that it is in what looks like an apartment building. You ring the bell and over the intercom, a voice asks - "who iiiis it?" You answer... well, I answer, "It's Jillian!" and they buzz you in. There are no men allowed because there are no dressing rooms. The perimeter of each room is lined with racks of amazing dresses, ranging from the 1920's to the early 1970's, and when you find something you like you drop trou and slip in. The prices are great too. Sure, some are pricey, but I've walked with three dresses now under $40 and nabbed a fur hat that day for 10 bucks. 

A red dress is hung in the window to indict that they are open for business.

Had my original plans held, a cooking class with a dude I know -or- tickets to a 2.5 hr show, I would have never have found my wedding dress!! <----- I feel like this should be in italics and made orange!!


My dress is nothing like what I thought it would be. I pictured this modern take on vintage - lots of lace and a classic silhouette, maybe. My budget was gigantic, or at least I'd spent the last 6 months watching Say Yes to the Dress trying to convince myself that my budget needed to be gigantic. This dress was the lovely price of $400 AND requires so very little altering. 


As an added bonus, my most favorite dress-designing friend has recently returned to New York and has offered to help me jazz up the number. I trust and love her style so much that I couldn't have planned this out better had I tried. 

Thank you cake decorating class for being booked solid. 
Thank you, male friend, for getting stuck in traffic. 
Thank you, Pudge, for pooping where you did. 
Thank you, Newsies, for not giving us tickets. 
Thank you, ladies, for being so spontaneous and for always matching my enthusiasm. 
Thank you, Shareen Vintage, for being open and for setting the stage. 
Thank you, New York. As always, I love you.

Love my birthday girl! Thank you for inspiring an amazing day!


ACTIVITY: Character Development

As previously announced, I have undertaken a mini quest, the purpose of which is quite simple - to be me.

I have to believe for my own sanity that there are many out there that agree with me when I say that sometimes being just "me" is hard. This is because so often, in my case, I am "Matt and Jill," "the bartender," "the cousin," "the friend," "the daughter," etc. And though I LOVE being all those things, and they are 100% a part of who I am, I recognize that my nature leads me to chose being these things -and attending to the obligations that go with- much more often than I chose being just "me" and doing the things that maybe just I love. It's sort of a mom syndrome type thing, though of course the only babies I have are my baby dogs.

Part of reason I entertain this little blog is to remind myself of the things I love to do and to give me an added incentive to actually do them when life pulls me inevitably toward much more boring pursuits.

And so. I took a writing class this past weekend!

And while on break, I ate at the bar of a little cafe near Union Square by myself, pulled out my journal and wrote - just like I had seen people do countless times at the bars I tend <---- I've always wanted to be one of those people.Here's what I jotted down for you:

* * * *
High school, you may be surprised to learn, is high school no matter which one you walk into. At 31 years old, this is first time in almost 13 years that I've stepped foot into one and I was actually shocked to find all the similarities. The one I visited, Xavier on W. 17th, smells the same as my high school. My shoes clack on the title floors here just the same as my principal's had all those years ago. The chairs with their built-in desk tops are still cold to the touch when you get into them and so slick that you can swivel your butt back and forth in your seat. I'm certain I have every one of those framed photos in my own album, only mine with different faces. Our instructor's voice echoed into the hallways just the same even when the door was closed and I was hard pressed not to raise my hand and beg permission to use the restroom half way through the day.
My attention even wandered away as it once had when I was 18. This surprised me. After all, I really wanted to be here this time round. I chose this class specifically. I excitedly anticipated the day. I woke up early and make it there with 20 minutes to spare (so not the class when I was actually in high school). And still, when we returned from lunch, I had to tell myself to focus. I had to will myself to listen and engage. To take full advantage of this rare educational treat that I have allowed myself time for. But oh, how I loved the day dreams. When was the last time you really daydreamed? Sure, you get glimpses of it during your commute maybe, or while waiting in an office for your turn to be called in. But when was the last time you daydreamed so hard, with the hum of an instructor's voice rhythmically lulling you into this peaceful state, your thoughts so detailed that your mouth practically moves along with the words in your head? Even that moment when you wake to find that your thoughts had slipped away from you is sweet. For a second, you're almost shy and embarrassed, like everyone knew you were miles away. But of course, they do not and that secret daydream is yours alone to keep forever.
Oh, and doodling is super fun. I apparently doodle the same way now and I always have!

I doodled every minute of every day in high school. After this weekend's class, I'm starting to think that I majored in art because I mistook my love of doodling for a love of drawing. Don't get me wrong, I really like fine arts, but I never once wanted to make a living at it. 

I digress. 

Xavier High School was where Gotham Writer's Workshop (there is a Groupon deal going on right now, by the way!) was offering this weekend's one-day intensive workshop. I took Character Development. It seemed like a great place to start and actually, the whole day was surprisingly well structured and nicely informative. 

Some of the things we covered: 
* Primary and Secondary Characters and what they "desire."
* Contrast and Complexity in a character's personality and how it creates interest. 
* Communicating your character - by "telling" and by "showing"
* Character Arcs and how the reader craves some sort of change to occur. 
We did writing exercises along the way and read some out to the class. And in the end, we "interviewed" a stranger and made a character out it by answering questions like these:
* What do you consider your greatest achievement?
* What is your idea of perfect happiness?
* What is your current state of mind?
* What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
* On what occasions do you lie?

It was a fun day - motivating and a nice refresher. It reminded me to reign in my big white pillowy sentences and to focus on just giving them purpose.
More topics have come from this, but you'll have to wait! A bar shift awaits!!

P.S., New Yorkers - Let me know if you buy into this Groupon and maybe we can get a group together again go. :)

Two weeks.

Hmmmm... what shall I write about today? How shall I spend my week? My day?? My afternoon??!

I've got a lot of free time on my hands suddenly (Matt's off opening a new restaurant and Kalee's wedding went off without a hitch!), and I'm faced now with the same question that haunted me almost 3 years ago when I found myself divorced - how do I possibly entertain myself?!

I always know what I want to do, but on average I rarely choose my wants over others. That's part of my awesomeness as well as one of my biggest issues. And so now, faced with a To-Do-List with nothing really on it, I'm a bit frozen.

This is all too familiar territory and aptly enough, it is the exact reason why I started this blog. I need to choose 'me' more often! And for the next two weeks, I literally have no excuse not to.

So here we go - My Two Week Plan!

1. Attempt a cleanse.
   - Let's get this body back in order. No alcohol. No junk food. No belly aches! Just your basic Master Cleanse with a couple added pleasures... apples, celery and cucumber. I'm a contingency plan kinda girl. If I weaken and try to give up, I'll allow myself to eat on of the three approved (and already stocked in my frig!) items.

2. See a show.
    - I live in NYC! How do I not get to see more theatre? Oh yeah. It's expensive. Well, I've found a show I want to see and I'm going to try and get a cheap ticket on lottery. That's where you show up a couple of hours before the show to try and be one of the people who gets to buy their ticket for 30 bucks. I've got time on my hands, right? Why not put it to good use!

3. Take that cake decorating course.
    - Or at least the 1st of the 4 courses. I've already got the materials and Matt already has experience, so this is a great one for me to do on my own. Yup. Definitely.

4. Take that One Day Intensive Writing Class.
    - There are so many options that I've been sitting on this class voucher for months, uncertain which class would be most worth my while. Well, I've chosen Character Development and I'm jazzed to begin!

5. Finish my next video montage.
    - For those not in the know, I've transferred all our old VHS tapes to DVD and now I'm editing them down into these mini movies. We've already seen the Kenny Video. Kalee is next. I hope to give everyone one of their very own for Christmas, plus organized copies of all the Birthdays... Holidays... etc.

And of course, I want to lock down my spending these next couple of weeks and work as much as I can to bulk of the bank account I've been draining.  This doesn't seem like two much to ask of my days. Let's hope I don't let myself get in my own way!

Kalee gets married!

Our girl has  Gotten Hitched !!!

And what a phenomenal day it was!

As we wait for the professional photos, here are some of the highlights of the day that I managed to capture on my phone.

Cambridge City Hall was chosen for the ceremony and unlike other city halls in the Boston area, this one offered the use of the Judge's Chambers and not a dull sterile office. The setting was perfect! The space was large and open, leaving our light-hearted group unintimidated, and still regal, sophisticated and dripping in history, driving home for us the significance of the moment. 
Even Uncle G, seen above, jumped at the opportunity to be photographed there.

Following the ceremony, we took it to the streets and snapped an hour's worth of photos down by the water. Boston stretched leisurely in the background.  Now I can't take credit for this photo or the two that follow - our incredible photographer, Kristen, worked her magic, capturing us all, shockingly, exactly as we truly are.

 We are:   Sometimes serious, but mostly silly.             
We are:   Super excited to all be together.                 
We are:   Young, even though we're getting old.        
We are:   Mighty photogenic (if I do say so myself)  
We are:   Totally on board to celebrate!                   

More professional photos to come!

Following the ceremony, we had the most incredible dinner at The Capital Grille on Boylston Street. I, truth be told, was too busy stuffing my face to take any photos there - sorry about that. But I can tell you that my Maid of Honor speech was pretty well received. 

"I'm just so happy to see that 'My Kalee' has found 'Her Tim.'"

In a stroke of genius, our newlyweds threw the age old tradition of wedding favors to the wayside and treated us all instead to a comedy show later that evening. In a group 20 people strong, we were tickled by a line up of hilarious comedians, who oddly enough had lots to say about marriage that night. We couldn't have planned that show better had we written the jokes ourselves.

Pizza by slice followed.
(seen above)

And then the Dance Party began!

At a bar barely three blocks down from Nick's Comedy, we danced hard to the greatest of the 80's, 90's and Today.

One of the greatest things about our group is how enthusiastically they like to celebrate. The rest of the night came and went in a blur - literally. I'd move back to Boston today if it meant I could relive this night every weekend.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing this chick this happy!

Bounty Hearts Sito!

If you recall, my Sito (grandmother) loves her some Bounty Paper Towels.

I put together this great letter, complete with a dozen photos, detailing exactly how deep this love for Bounty runs and sent it to Procter & Gamble on her behalf. She would have died of embarrassment if she knew I did that, but hey, I figure what she doesn't know won't kill her and the resulting happiness was SO worth it.

I asked P&G to drop Little Mary a letter in thanks and instead they sent me directly a boring, generic reply. I say Boo and Blah to that! Out came Photoshop and within minutes, we had a much more awesome letter "from them" simply thanking her, from their family to hers, for her lifetime of loyalty.

And to sweeten the pot, I got the biggest/baddest package of Bounty I could find and I mailed it to her with the letter - again Photoshopping a fairly authentic looking shipping label for the box. I used the box from my most recent delivery for added authenticity. She's in her 80's - details count, but don't exactly have to make sense. :)

I sent it via USPS for $12 and it arrived to her by the end of the week.

I showed up two days later myself and still no one had mentioned her having received it. I was bummed! Had it not arrived? Had it gotten lost?

I did some reconnaissance. I asked my Uncle if she had received any unusual packages recently - he immediately perked up: Did you send that?? he asked.

Oh, no. I answered, that was straight from Bounty. Why risk killing the surprise? I tipped them off to her though. What did she say when she got it?

He shared this picture:

Sito! I shout enthusiastically as I walk into her bedroom, You got a package from Bounty??

Oh, yes! she says. It's the really good one. The big one. It's on the table - Look!

 I stroll over to admire and she follows me... smiling ear to ear.

What did the letter say? I ask. She grabs it. She had it on her nightstand next to her bed. She lets me read it from top to bottom out loud without interrupting.

I think someone's pranking me. She says this in the way that gives the impression she doesn't want to be caught looking like a fool if it does turn out to be a prank, but clearly she's on board.

No way, I say. Look at this letter, Sito. It has the company logo. I point. It has a reverence number! This is legit, I say.

She takes the letter back and folds it. I don't know how they found me... she trails off and I know she believes and that at least for a moment she feels special and is happy.

 Oh lord of all things delicious, may I give thanks to you for the invention of cheesy fondu and hot creamy coffee drinks. 

Behold, world: Fondu & Fire Pits at the Fairmont!

In Boston for the weekend wrapping up some last minute wedding plans with Kalee (her nuptials are in two weeks!), we took a much needed break from the all-consuming hubbub that is our days for some much needed relaxation and dessert at The Fairmont Battery Wharf Hotel in Boston. It was a bit chilly, but the seats came with blankets and management quickly turned the heaters all the way up for us. No one likes fondu better than Miss K, so the activity was brilliantly received. We even polished off the evening with some espresso martinis, Baileys & Coffee, and a giant plate of s'mores!

If you're in Boston, I highly recommend stopping through there. The fire pits offer a disappointing view of the street, but once the sun goes down, you won't care even a little bit. Once seated, I don't like we looked out at the world even once. 

 Take that smile as proof that this was one awesome way to pass a couple hours.

And what trip home is complete without a little cuddle from my sweet Marlow. She's developed a signature "funny face."

Check it out :)


different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent